Welcome to the Packaging Labs

Access is granted to authorized lab users after completion of all new-user safety training and submission of the Application to Work in SoP Labs to the lab manager. 

All equipment operators must also be trained and demonstrate proficiency on each instrument prior to independent use.

Undergraduate Researchers:  Please plan ahead.  You will need to complete all safety and instrument training before you may work independently in the labs.  This training may add 1-2 weeks to your overall project.  

New Process for All: After training, you'll be given a digital copy of the training form to upload to the Ability online training system.  You'll receive periodic email notifications that your training is incomplete until you upload this document. 

Applications to work in SoP Laboratory (pdf)
SoP site specific Safety (pdf)

To request an account to this application, safety training and equipment training contact the lab manager from the Contact Information footer link below.

Visit SoP's Internal Info for Lab Users site for more information.